By Dr. Adeoye Adefulu
In a recent article,
it was announced that President Buhari had given the Nigerian Petroleum
Development Company ("NPDC") the approval to corporatise its joint
venture assets and convert them into Incorporated Joint Ventures
(“IJV”). The IJV structure has been floated at least since 2008 when the
first draft of the Petroleum Industry Bill
(“PIB”) was issued. That draft of the Bill mandated the formation of
IJVs with respect to joint ventures between the Nigerian National
Petroleum Corporation ("NNPC") and its partners (mostly international
oil companies). The IJV was seen as a solution to the perennial
difficulties faced by NNPC in financing its share of the joint venture
cash calls. This was based on the theory that an IJV was likely to be in
a better position to raise money from loan and equity markets. This
concept, loosely based on the NLNG model, was resisted by the joint
venture partners for a variety of reasons and was removed from
subsequent drafts of the PIB.
The recent proposal is a bit different. Firstly, it is targeted at
companies in joint ventures with NPDC, a subsidiary of NNPC. These
companies are typically Nigerian owned and/or Nigerian-led companies.
The assets recommended for conversion into IJV status are detailed in
the table below: